

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Voice of God


(1 Kings 19:11- 13) This is one of my favorite parts of the Bible. It cannot be taught nor realized without God first granting ears to hear. It is generally thought that God no longer speaks to His people. That is because it is becoming a belief that He does not exist. Do not expect God to shout in a loud earth shaking voice to get your attention. True, He could do that, and make you cower and shake in fear. The Israelites experienced exactly that. It frightened them to the point they said they no longer wanted to hear God's voice in that way. That would get your attention but it would not make you believe in His existence. Remember that "God is Love" (1 John 4:8-20 Another Favorite) and wants us to not only hear Him but love Him back. Fear is only good if it is because you are sinning and need to repent. To hear God means to listen to the whispers within your heart that tell you He is speaking to you. It is not an easy thing to learn to do but it is a critical thing to learn. No, it is not impossible. Christ gave us the Holy Spirit as an advocate. He is the spirit of God through Christ that is the voice of God. There are times when the Holy Spirit is forceful and times when His gentleness is hard to feel. There are even times when it feels He is not there. Rest assured He is always there. The critical thing to learn is that when you are busy with life you are less likely to hear God's voice. That is why Christ Always went off alone to pray. He needed to be still to hear His father talking to Him. Be still and contemplative. Quiet yourself. Allow the peace of the Holy Spirit to enter in and talk to your spirit. The quieter you become the more open you are. Learn to feel the love of our Triune God. Be still and that soft voice will enter in to hold you close and speak to you.

This and the next post will be new renditions of House Mouse images. This was fairly complex to color because of the detail. This image is of a pet Vet taking care of his patients. Cute!

There were a bunch of colors  used so I am not going to name where each one was used. Have fun figuring that part out.😊

The Copic colors are:

That will do it for this post. May the good Lord bless and keep everyone forever safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. Beautiful post and stunning coloring, my friend! xoxo

  2. I like that quote! b Quite powerful.

    I am always awlstuck when I look at this image colored... It has so many details. (fits your!

  3. This post is so true Jim! I hear the Lord God whisper to me, but only when I'm still and not busy. It amazes me when I "hear" his whispers and I just love it. And that is exactly what I tell people, the Lord God whispered this to me. We all can hear him if we still ourselves, so, so, so true! I love House Mouse images, they are just so dang cute but very detailed indeed. You did a wonderful job coloring this one Jim, I love the way you colored it up and I love this image. Hugs & blessings, Brenda


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