

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Becoming Holy

First of all, the world will tell you that you can't be holy in this life or while you are in this world. That is an outright lie. Take a look at what that kind of thinking has brought this world to. Chaos, distrust, violence, more lies and many other negatives we read about or see. Don't you realize that for two thousand years Christians have striven to be holy and have been criticized and persecuted for it? Being holy is not a measure of how many times you have fallen but of how many times you have gotten back up. THAT is when you have a holy moment. The holy times are those times when, despite the falls and/or sins, we pick ourselves back up and try to follow Christ. That time you donated to a family in need is a holy moment. The time you spent listening to someone in distress to help calm them down. That is a holy moment. Visiting a a senior citizen who has few or no visitors in a nursing home. That is a holy moment. If you believe the people that tell you you can't be a holy person that is a lie. We can do little things every day that are holy that will increase in number until it is normal to do holy things. The falls we experience in life are there to prevent you from the holy you were meant to become. If you believe your sins mean you cannot become holy then not even Paul was holy. He was a murderer. Paul was called to become holy by Christ just as we are called. (Acts 9:1-22 & Timothy 1:3) He became the greatest of the apostles for us. What makes you think you are any less capable? Just as Paul knew he was forgiven we are forgiven. Believe you are called and seek to have the holy moments. They will build until they come without thought and make you holy.
Today's image is fuchsia.  It comes from Digital Tuesday. They are gorgeous plants and flowers in hanging baskets. 

The Copic colors are: V08, V09, V15, V04, V20, YG09, G17, YR14, Y00

That is it for this week. May God bless and keep you always safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. Yes, to be holy means to be prepared to serve the Lord as he directs, and that oft times means 'dying to self' to serve others! As well as living in such manner that he is glorified by our actions and words.
    Your colouring is amazing Jim - I too love fuchsias, and this is gorgeous

  2. Another thought provoking post and beautiful image, my friend xoxo

  3. Great post Jim! Yes, being holy is listening to the Lord as he "speaks" to us, guiding us to do good. It comes in so many forms, like you said it could be donating to a family in need, coming to the aid of a person who has fallen, etc....Yes, very good post as we all can be holy and can keep the "habit" of being holy. I love how you colored your fuchsia flowers, they looks so real! Love these flowers, but can't have a hanging basket of them because the wind at my house batters them so badly. I love them though. Hugs and Blessings, Brenda


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