

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Call

Mark 2:17 States that Christ did not come to call the righteous but to call the sinner. The world at large then and now has a problem with that. I admit that at times I have a problem with that but it is what we are called to address and accept. Why? 1 John 4:8,16 says "God is love". That is not an idle statement. God put His only son among us to show His love for all of us. The self righteous rejected Him and the sinners embraced Him. The self righteous crucified Him. In this single act He cleansed us from our sins through His sacrifice. All of the animal sacrifices on the altar throughout the ages could not do what this one act of sacrifice did. Free us from our sins. This does not make us no longer sinners but it does provide forgiveness for All of our sins. It provides a path to redemption by confession of sinfulness and sin. Does the call to the sinner by Christ make more sense now? It doesn't remove the "I don't understand why that happened" or offer answers for senseless acts of sin. It does offer a way to handle life and those we share this world with. God is Love and His love is offered to everyone equally then share it.

Today I am sharing a simple retro image of some grapes. This is from my wanderings and collection of images from some years ago. Digital Tuesday is the site it is from. It was not as simple as you might think to color it. There is several hours of work in this one. The fine detail took some time. I think it was worth it.

The copic colors are:

That will do it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you always safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."


  1. When I consider the cost of Jesus' sacrifice to redeem me, a sinner, I can scarce take it in... the real challenge is then to love others as He loved me. i don't always manage it.
    Love your colouring, and I can well image that it took a long time to colour. The result is magnificent Jim.

  2. Perfectly sensational coloring on this pretty image. The detail is amazing on the branches, leaves, and of course the grapes too! Outstanding.

  3. It is hard to believe that God gave His only son for us sinners, but He did. Jesus died for us as amazing as that is. His love is for everyone, not just the religious but for everyone if they so choose it. Now we must love everyone like Jesus loves us...hard one to live up to at times I know, but we must try to "love thy neighbor". I struggle at times just like anyone else. I'm a sinner, always will be but my sins are forgiven, can't get any more wonderful than that. Great thought provoking post Jim! Anything that "looks" easy, is never easy I have found. Your coloring of these grapes and leaves is gorgeous and totally well worth the time you put into coloring it! The shadows, the highlights....just looks like I could reach out and pluck a grape off! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Jill!!! Hugs and blessings, Brenda

  4. This is one amazingly colored image. You have noticed I have not made a card with it yet... because I'm so afraid of not doing this image justice.
    Hugs, Jill

  5. God truly is love. You've colored the image perfectly. Sorry for the late comment, last week was hectic in a good way xoxo


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