

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Past

I am quoting some of the poetry, prose and thoughts from my journal from past years. They are all copyrighted and have been published either in these posts or elsewhere. I will post more next week.



                    Eyes! Speaking in silent ways

                    Of life lived and lost,

                    Being born anew and dying again

                    In a place of private wars.


                    Eyes! Reflections of the soul

                    Come alive as in a dream,

                    Piercing the quiet of the night

                    To awaken silence once again.


                    Eyes! Piercing the thoughts

                    Tucked away in secret places,

                    Untouched for many long years

                    But seen in a careless stare.


                    Eyes! Shimmering windows

                    Glowing with twinkling lights,

                    Raging red with fire

                    Or wishful as loves last tear.


                    Eyes! Spilling over with life,

                    Telling all they ever knew

                    Of living, loving and losing

                    Along this short bumpy road.


                    Eyes! Loving, searching, caring

                    For all they grasp or touch,

                    Wrapping close a heart of warmth,

                    A soul of deepest caring.


                    Eyes! Filled with knowing wisdom

                    Gathered in the cobwebs of time,

                    Projected on gentle living screens

                    Of blue, green or brown.


                    Eyes! Those radiant mirrors,

                    Reflect the beauty of life within

                    An earthbound vessel of God,

                    Filled to overflowing with love.


                    Eyes! Opened to see, speak

                    Of eternal life from within,

                    Given to spread the joy

                    My Lord has given to me.



                     I travel a road of dreams,

                     Laced with thistle and thorn,

                     To find a peace filled clearing

                     Golden sunshine can adorn.


                     Onward, ever onward it seems,

                     Finding new scars each turn,

                     As old ones heal and disappear

                     Along this path of no return.


                     It seems such a hopeless way

                     In a life I did not request,

                     Trying to fill a mold not mine

                     Though I've done my very best.


                     The impossible is not impossible

                     With my Lord's hand in mine,

                     Despite my reluctant nature,

                     In the living love divine.




       "Old man! From whence do you come?"


       "I come from 70 times 7000 yesterdays

          of happiness and sorrow.?"


       "Old man! Where are you going?"


       "I go to the memories of tomorrows forever

       where death has died and life is born."


       "Old man! How are you called?"


       "I am peace in turmoil, hope in the

       hopeless and love in the lost."


       "Old man! What do you want?"


       "I want to go blind and see, deaf and

       hear, mute and speak, die and be born,

       cry to laugh, but most of all to find

       the love lost in days past."


      "Old man! Have you found what you search



      "I have found a beam and a cross beam,

      three nails, a hammer, a crown of thorns

      and a lance that await me. When I meet

      them my love will be there."


      "Old man! When will this happen?"


      "In the measure of a breath already

      forgotten as a memory that has not yet



      And then the old man was gone.


This week, another Moontear image.

Copic colors used:

It is hoped you like this post. It is fun sharing some of what the Lord has graced me with. The message speaks for itself. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Great works Jim - I particularly like the 'Onward" poem.
    Your colouring is amazing, as ever - I am in awe

  2. Your written art is as beautiful as your visual, my friend
    Love and hugs xoxo

  3. Beautiful! The Eyes poem is my fave. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Beautifully written and I love the image you've colored so pretty.

  5. I'm way behind in my commenting Jim and I'm here to try and catch up. These are beautiful Jim and I enjoyed reading them! The colored image is so sweet too, you have colored her up so nicely! I especially love her dress sleeve. Hugs and blessings, Brenda


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