

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


The Word     

Since God has spoken, man is responsible to act. Responding to Him makes us complete.

A Blend

 I asked for the gift of wisdom

Expecting to see the world in a new way. In unexpected answer, my eyes were opened to see the truth unfolding within my own being. Two worlds lay in open defiance of one another, giving no quarter, showing no mercy. My heart grew faint and my soul shuddered to witness the struggle between eternal and mortal.

My eyes filled with the sorrow of a lifetime; my body knew the pain of hopelessness. The loneliness of what was revealed grew for I did not want to face what was there. The pain of the truth was great and heavy when I found what must be faced within me. Little did I know that I must begin within before I could see what lay round about me.

Tears must be shed, humility learned, suffering accepted and forgiveness given. Confession had to be made before God that I may find and know His forgiveness. To be given a vision of both worlds is to realize they intertwine and blend. A measure of pain within this mortal life to a measure of joy for the eternal life. A balance of both worlds in this life brings living wealth to the eternal now.

Eyes, ears and mind are fully attuned, precisely aligned to all that life is. A receptive heart and soul to truth purifies all knowledge into true wisdom.



                  I am wealthy beyond measure.  Can you give a

                  cup of love as payment for a service given?  By what

                  scale would you measure long steadfast friendship?

                  What measure of length is there to gauge the depth

                  of compassion?  Where is the container by which you

                  would measure the volume of my peace?  Is there a

                  place where you can pay to keep happiness from

                  fading away?


                  How then should I tell you of wealth but

                  to say it is the fullness of life!  Wealth is not

                  material but the flavor of sweet and sour of daily

                  experience.  Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by

                  day, life savored moment by moment.  Years

                  overflowing with pain and joy in a mixture of

                  peace, toil and happiness with not one second

                  passing unnoticed.  Life is a measure of wealth

                  only when you do not think it owes you but that

                  you owe life for its generosity.


                  So walk in the summer sun slowly and play

                  briskly on cold winter days.  Drink in the

                  panorama of scenery or focus on the single lily in

                  the field.  Take a deep breath of cool air or touch

                  a friend in loving attentiveness.  Close your eyes

                  and listen to music quietly soothing tensions

                  away.  Let every sense come alive to the life that

                  glows so brightly all about you filling your

                  treasuries to the fullest and making you wealthy

                  beyond measure.

 Hand in Hand

                   He said, " Come to me my little one," and I cried.

              He said, " Be not afraid for I am here," and I cried.

          I said, " Yes my Lord! I am yours," and He smiled.

               I said, " Take my hand that I may follow," and He smiled.

           He said, " Take my hand that I may give you peace and joy," and I cried.

                           All writings are  ãcopyrighted

Another image from Moontear.

Copic colors used are:

That is it for this week. I will post a few more writings from yesteryear next week. May the good Lord Bless and Keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Oh yes - how often we rail against the painful lessons as though 'life' and the world owe us, when in reality to trust and be a peace with God, and to fix our eyes on Him brings us true peace, no matter what is happening around us.
    Wonderful words, Jim, and amazing colouring

  2. I'll say it again, my friend... your written art is as beautiful as your visual.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  3. Another show stopper of an image and coloring. So beautiful!

  4. My did I need this. Thank you.

  5. It sometimes amazes me how you and I are often on the same page. When God speaks it can be very humbling, and when we really stop and look inside, we are stunned by what we find there. Good intentions don’t always play out as we think, through our reality. I wrote a post called whispers quite a while ago. It’s a replay of my life through the mirror of time. Lately I’ve been crying out to God to change my heart and teach me to walk in all His ways so that I might not sin against him. Trials can bring out the worst and the best in us. Your image is beautifully done, as usual! Blessings!

  6. This Sunday I must thank you. Thank you for taking the time to minister to me. Your comments give me hope. For years I’ve been devoid of such hope. Finding peace in difficulty is where I’m at right now. Acceptance and full surrender despite my circumstances is something I struggle with, but wholly seek. Nonetheless, thank you. Regine

  7. Have a lovely day in His presence.

  8. Wow, so powerful are these writings Jim! Wealth isn't material goods at all. One can be very wealthy and not have anything to their name. I love reading this, it is so beautifully written, you are as good with your words as you are with your coloring Jim. And your image is just gorgeous! I love red hair, I know not many love it, but I think red hair is just gorgeous. You have brought his sweet precious girl to life and did an amazing job on her. Her hair has all the depth, her dress is just stunning and the shadows all fall just right. Love everything about this post. Hugs and blessings, Brenda


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