

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Less is More

 Notice: I have been getting sales pitches and related correspondence on this blog in my comments. This will not be tolerated. I have opened this blog to the public to give more people the chance to comment on my blog. If this continues I will not only delete you, I will also block your site. If you practice these tactics on social media (Facebook, TicToc etc) go to them and advertise not here. Thank you.

In most cases this statement is correct. The problem with this statement is the fact that it is why the world is in the state that it is. All too often the need for more and more also breeds greed. It would be of benefit to live with less when you can afford more and donate what is left to those who are in need. Having more is not a bad thing but it is a privilege that can easily be abused and seen as making someone better than the less privileged. This is why Jesus said of the rich man "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) There are those who have worked hard for the possession and wealth and those who are born into it. Most who have come up from places of poverty know the hardship of not having and of not only want but need. I know what it is like to have one can of soup on the shelf to feed a wife and baby with no job or income. It is not a happy place. I can look around now and say "The Lord has been kind to us and provided what was needed." I worked hard to get here. It is enough and not extravagant in any way. I don't know what it is like to be able to get whatever I want whenever I want it. If I had great wealth I would be inclined use most of it to provide for those truly in need. That is not to say I would not make sure I and my wife would be taken care of in our remaining years but what good is wealth that will remain in this world when we depart for the next. To me more is only measured against the less of others. Extravagance is not a good place to be when others are in need. Be careful to measure wealth against the need versus want. It is ok to want but not to excess.
Once again this week I am sharing an image from Moontear. 

The Copic colors used are;

The pen at the top is a Copic multiliner brown. That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Oh Jim, swo sorry to hear you have had to deal with unwanted material.. that is never 'nice'.
    Yes, we are told to be content in all circumstances - it's not always easy , but certainly a lesson well learnt. I live modestly, by some standards, but I am happy with what I have and how I live, which means I am 'rich' in other ways.
    Beautiful colouring

  2. Thank you Maxine. It is unfortunate that I need to do the notice but it is in the statement at the bottom of the comment section in capital letters. It is being ignored. These people are a minority but annoying.

  3. Less is definitely more. My needs are provided and I'm grateful and give thanks for them every day. That FLW quote rings very true. Once again you've done a wonderful job of coloring this sweet image to perfection. I just love her long blonde hair with the flowers around her face. The eyes capture me every single time! God bless and have a great week ahead.

  4. I do so detest those who seek to 'advertise' on blogs instead of reading and leaving a thoughtful comment. I have had to delete my fair share over the years. And may we be generous to others throughout our lives, Jim. Those are great challenges to ponder.

  5. Hi Jim!. It's so true - some have more than they need, others live on the streets and have nothing. Your image is gorgeous, as always! Hugs!

  6. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.

    1. You are always welcome. I enjoy your blog as well.

  7. I understand you're a computer expert; so I will not attempt to advise you on unwanted comments. But for those readers who experience similar problems, (in Blogger), I go to the comments folder and mark all unwanted comments as Spam, THEN I go to the Spam folder and delete them there. By doing this, rather than just delete the comments, the "system" somehow stops people from commenting again. It blocks them automatically.

    I agree that sadly some people seem to have a lot whilst others are left starving and without. Being wealthy is not wrong; but the way we use our wealth can be a sin. Like in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus at his gate. Luke 16:19-31

    The rich man did not even know/care about the poverty on his doorstep.

    God bless always.

  8. This is so true. Tose who have the least, give the most. As always, your coloring is stunning
    Love and hugs xoxo

  9. Querido amigo, bellísima imagen, dar nos da felicidad mas que recibir.
    Una delicia leerte
    Cariños y besos, que Dios te bendiga

  10. Querido amigo, que tengas un feliz fin de semana, que Dios te bendiga.
    Cariños y besos


All comments are moderated. SALES, ADVERTISEMENTS OF ANY KIND, OBJECTIONABLE LANGUAGE OF ANY KIND WILL BE DELETED. Thank You to those who spend a few moments to comment. It is much appreciated. I will try to return your comment by commenting on your blog. For me to do so you must make your comment window a popup window. Thanks.