

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


It is sometimes a trying time when you follow the quote of the day from Henry Ward Beecher. Im have recently found myself tested and pressed in ways that make one tired both physically and mentally. I will not get into the reasons but I will say that anyone who has gone through such trials and feels exhausted from lack of sleep and stress knows just how tired you can get. There are a myriad of little things going wrong or happening that should not happen that add up to a lot of stress. Add to that the world around us seems determined to self destruct. The saving grace that carries me through such times is knowing I am not alone. Our Lord is always at our side and leads the way. Psalm 23 is ever present in mind and body. That's right mind and BODY. When it seems the body is fatigued and wants to stop new strength is found and you move forward despite the fatigue. I thought about skipping the post this week but decided to make an effort and at least post something to give others hope and encouragement. I don't know about you but I am not one to give up and admit defeat under such circumstances.

This week I am posting another of the images from Moontear. I will resume posting a few of these images in the next week or two.

The Copic colors used are;

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. Thank you for not giving up and choosing to bless us with you post, Jim - there certainly are times when we are totally exhausted, spirit, soul and body, but God will always carry us through!
    Wonderful colouring - you manage to make your images look so lifelike every time!!

  2. I think we're all tired, weary, and stressed over the world we find ourselves living in, but putting one foot in front of the other is what we choose to do rather than give in. That's another gorgeous image colored to perfection once again. The way you color her eyes is simply captivating. Wishing you many blessings and better days ahead as well.

  3. As always, your coloring is beautiful. I pray that your mind and body calm soon.
    Love and hugs xoxo

  4. I know this feeling all too well. Praying that you find a reserve of supernatural strength.

  5. Jim, I hear you loud and clear. All God's children get weary in this world that bears down on us, yet we can have the courage to stand tall and strong all because of Jesus. May He bless and keep you!

  6. Your image is wonderful. Psalm 23 is full of hope and comfort. I hope you are soon feeling better. But please allow yourself to rest and take a break if it is necessary. Hugs, Valerie

  7. Querido amigo, la imagen preciosa, que Dios este siempre contigo y te de las fuerzas para seguir creando y dando belleza.
    Descansa, que el SeƱor esta contigo.
    Abrazos y besos

  8. Another WOW piece of art! Love that hair! No clue how you got it so blond. I do hope you are feeling better too. It's awful to feel so tired. But your talent shined through it.

  9. Great article and artistic pic. Success for your blog ok

  10. Take a break if you must never quit. Love the images and beautiful message. Have a blessed day.

    1. Thank you for following. Liked visiting your blog.

  11. Good blog. I followed your blog now. Warm greetings. Thx

  12. Interesting quote and thoughts, a wonderful painting - a portrait of a girl.Thank you for this post my friend, best regards and have a good and blessed week.


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