

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


What do you think of with this quote? Does one thing or multiple things come to mind? Are they scriptural or worldly? I suspect the answer is both. There are many veils in life that are beautiful, mysterious and scary. A bridal veil is both beautiful and scary deprending on whom you ask. The veil of clouds covering a tornado is without question scary. The veil of secrecy is mysterious and a bit scary. Veiled treats are scary. These are all worldly veils. What about scriptural veils? Veils in scripture are usually veils that cover the face of some individual. They are primarily for women who veil their faces but Moses also veiled his face when he came down off the mountain after being in the presence of God. His face shown brightly and was a fearful sight to the Israelites. (Exodus 34:34-35) The veil over those who do not acknowledge or continue in their sinfuol way was another kind of veil. (2 Corinthians 3:14-16) The veil was lifted when turned to follow Jesus. (Corinthians 4:3) There is one very impoortant veil in scripture, the veil over the holy of holies in the temple. It was this veil which was torn from ceiling to floor when Christ died on the cross. (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45) This was to signify that God was now available to the people directly. There are many other mentions of veils in scripture, enough to fill several posts. The bible is an interesting and informative read. Get your feet wet and start a reading regimin. There is much to learn and be inspired by in the pages of scripture. 
The Irish highlander men coloring book is definitly a challenging coloring experience. I am going to skip to the image completed this week to highlight that statement. This was a major challenge but one of my favorite images. The process of aging in this world leaves its mark on our personages. This is one of two images that illustates that to a tee. If it weren't for the great art work and attention to the details by the artist this would not be near as captivating as it is. Here is my salute to aging with dignity. You can see in this face a  life lived. Enjoy!

Tyhe Copic colors used are:

The pen on the right is a Copic Multiliner 0.03mm Cool Grey pen. This pen was used to highlight the hair and beard to make them stand out more. Some of the hair was faint and needed to be given depth to be noticed.

My wife had two of our close friends visiting while I was coloring the face of this image. They were there for several hours and got to see just how long it takes to do an image. It was nice to have someone see the coloring process.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."


  1. I have read the Word regularly for years, and I still find gems in passages that I have read repeatedly, that seem fresh and new.
    Your colouring is amazing Jim, and that image certainly must have been challenging, but what a wonderful result!! I am in awe - again

  2. That face certainly reflects a life well-lived with rugged determination and grit. You have given the term 'aging gracefully' a whole new meaning, here. And of course, your thoughtful reflection on the scriptures is always enlightening.
    Blessings, Jim!

  3. This is one of your finest coloring creations ever. I just love all the lines on his face that indicate a life well lived for a long time. Your coloring skills are definitely time well spent when you bring these images to life with Copics. Well done, and God bless!

  4. WOW! Just WOW! I'm jealous of the people that got to watch you do this. That hair is amazing and so is the detail in his face and shirt. This by far is one of your best pieces! Just fantastic! Love the muted colors too!

  5. Querido amigo, me gustan tus entradas, hacen reflexionar.
    Son puro amor.
    El rostro refleja para mi una vida de trabajo y bienestar, paz.
    Me encanto leerte.
    Abrazos y besos

  6. Watching a colorist or artist at work is always mesmerizing to me. As is watching/ hearing/ reading a wordsmith's art. So, this post has me doubly mesmerized by your incredible talents!
    Love and hugs xoxo

  7. Hello, beautiful post! A quote from Balzac that is very universal. Quotes from the Bible are always something to think about. A wonderful portrait - as always with you. Greetings to you and your wife, I wish you a good weenend.

  8. Thank you friend.

  9. Querido amigo, que tengas un bonito día, bendiciones
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito


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