This image is two and a half days of work. There were many breaks in between to identify faint details and to choose colors. I guess my age is showing because of this but, as my end of post says, "Love the details". Doing justice to this image is just like trying to capture him on paper. IMPOSSIBLE! Love of Christ is something intangible within our hearts. He has many possible visages within our minds and hearts. If we had seen Him in person I have no doubts that he would not be as we would expect Him to be visually. I colored this image with love and care to show a possibility of His likeness. I am not completely happy with it but it is the best I could do.
The Copic colors used are:This is a MoonTear image as indicated on the image. The white portions of this image were very subtle and the CO & COO cool gray colors were used to make the intended image become clear. The skin shading was kept more tanned to be true to the area He lived in. The hair was difficult close to the shoulder because it was not very distinct but it was there.Next week I will write a post and share yet another image from MoonTear. There are a few more of the Christ images coming in the future as well. Until then May the good Lord bless and Keep you safe. Remember to always "Love The Details."