

Friday, December 27, 2024

 Problem solved as far as I can tell. I commented on those blogs that I missed. Thank you to everyone for understanding.

Happy Holidays

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

blocked from commenting

For reasons unknown to me I am being blocked from commenting on more and more sites. Please check my site for your comment and my response to your comment. In the past the problem was with those sites from which I was blocked. It seems the blocking sites are no longer accepting comments. Please let me know what you find.



 Today is a special day. A Holy day. A day the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

  Ye know not what shall be on the morrow

   James 4:14

“Tomorrow” is the devil’s great ally—the very Goliath in whom he trusts for victory. “Now” is the stripling sent forth against him.… The world will freely agree to be Christians tomorrow if Christ will permit them to be worldly today.

William Arnot

Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

All too often we put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today. The problem with that is that tomorrow may never come. Hearing and moving forward when the Lord calls is paramount for the life of your soul. Those whom He selects to His service may be someone else's lifeline. Tomorrow may not be an option for them so today is the day to answer His call. 

I know I said there will be no post today but I felt the need to post today anyway. Have a Wonerful Christmas holiday. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


   He [Thomas] … said, Except I shall see … I will not believe … Jesus … said … But not faithless, but believing

        John 20:25, 27

Every doubt in the heart of a Christian is a dishonor done to the Word of God, and the sacrifice of Christ.


Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

The attitude of seeing is believing is not always a good thing. Faith means believing in what is unseen. The proof will come later as you live in the faith of Christianity. The beauty of that faith is the reality of living a life of love and service to others. The joy of others becomes the joy in your life. It is worth more than anything else on earth.

I will not be posting next week. Have a great and joyous Christmas. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always love The Details."

Wednesday, December 11, 2024



  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

        John 16:33

Tribulation is God’s threshing—not to destroy us, but to get what is good, heavenly, and spiritual in us separated from what is wrong, earthly, and fleshly. Nothing less than blows of pain will do this. The evil clings so to the good, the golden wheat of goodness in us is so wrapped up in the strong chaff of the old life that only the heavy flail of suffering can produce the separation.

                                                      J. R. Miller

Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

2 Corinthians 12:10


  When I am weak, then am I strong

        2 Cor. 12:10

This is God’s way. We advance by going backwards, we become strong by becoming weak, we become wise by being fools.

F. Whitfield

Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

In the course of our travels on this earth we encounter many different individuals. Those encounters range from pleasant to regretful, both in-person and unseen. The scripture quote is especially relevant for me. I have spent many hours, even longer, being weak and a fool (Not that there was a choice in most cases). It felt like going in reverse at times. That is when you realize you are alone with no-one to share the loneliness, to show the way back, to hold hands. It is also the time we find strength to move forward and press on in the apparent lack of direction. The reality of life is that only at these times are we truly strong. Strength and wisdom are co-existent in being weak and, at times, a fool. I am no superman. I am not invincible, nor can I fly or walk on water. We can learn from our passage through life. It is well to remember that as we pass through this life everything anyone does affects everyone else in this life. The good, the bad and the ugly all affect everyone. There is more to learn from the bible and the wisdom within its pages than most bother to seek from it.           

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Alway Love Details."

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


  These have turned the world upside down.… None of these things move me

        Acts 17:6; Acts 20:24

The men that move the world are the ones who do not let the world move them.


Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

No matter the circumstances, the Saints always held fast to the fact that they were fully devoted to Christ and God our father. They knew the possibilities they faced and held fast to their beliefs and trusted in God for their safety. They regarded their safety not in terms of their physical safety but their spiritual safety. They considered their physical worth as nothing compared to their spiritual worth. This is how we should see life and the path before us. The world before us will pass away but the souls inhabiting it with us are precious and of value to our savior. He wishes none of them to be lost. Hope is something we can give by being the image of the God who cared enough to come down, live among us and die for us for the forgiveness of our sins. He also demonstrated that death is not the end but the beginning when He rose on the third day. This life is but a temporary stopover where we are tested and given our strength, our guidance for what is to come. It is hard to be joyous and jubilant at all times, but we should view it as a special time and worthy of being joyful. It is prelude to the life to come.

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


  A daily rate for every day

        2 Kings 25:30

The acts of breathing which I performed yesterday will not keep me alive today; I must continue to breathe afresh every moment, or animal life ceases. In like manner yesterday’s grace and spiritual strength must be renewed, and the Holy Spirit must continue to breathe on my soul from moment to moment in order to my enjoying the consolations, and to my working the works of God.


Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

Each day we are confronted with new, never-ending challenges. It is not enough to assume because today was lived that tomorrow will be the same. Every day is different. Every day requires us to be vigilant. Yesterday's pain does not dissipate with the setting sun or it's rising in the morning. What we experience and endure in the course of our life is like breathing. Life does not go on without that next breath and the experiences within that life do not go away on their own while we live. As Christians we have accepted the Holy Spirit as our gift of grace from Christ. That grace is to live as Christ lived and be images of Him. That means repent of our sins, be examples of peace, unity and forgiveness. The life you live and what the world at large sees of you when you are in this condition is the light that will change lives and the world.

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe.
Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

A New Day, New Form

 Exodus 14:19 - Then the angel of God, who preceded the army of Israel, changed station and followed behind them.

The New Jerusalem Bible (New York: Doubleday, 1985), Ex 14:19.

It is not always guidance that we most need. Many of our dangers come upon us from behind. They are stealthy, insidious, assaulting us when we are unaware of their nearness. The tempter is cunning and shrewd. He does not meet us full front. It is a comfort to know that Christ comes behind us when it is there we need the protection.

J. R. Miller
Samuel G. Hardman and Dwight Lyman Moody, Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Willow Grove, PA: Woodlawn Electronic Publishing, 1997).

The "Thought for the quiet Hour" and "Brainy Quote" may not seem to be along the same line of thought but in reality, they fit perfectly. It is not always the place of leadership to go before the assembly but to follow it and protect it from the rear. The Lord provided protection for Israel while fleeing Pharoah and the Egyptian army by moving to the rear of His people and in front of the Pharoah's army. Leading is not always done from the front but by example. Perfect timing and leadership is what Jesus provides for us. 

May the good Lord bless and keep you safe.
Remeber to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

In the Fog


The world around us is a place of diverse swirling confusion and misinformation. It is getting harder to discern the truth in anything. I am constantly told things that are near truths or fabrications of anything imaginable. Apparently, people are willing to believe almost anything they are told. The world is a mishmash of misleading information partial truths, mirages and total lies. We must remember that we live in a world overflowing with lies and diversions. We are expected to believe what we are told without question. Wisdom would dictate that we stop and weigh everything against what the word of God says. When we do that the realization soon dawns on us that much of what we are told is anything but the full truth. The word of God is something we can go to and discern what is real and biblical. The word of God is what matters. There have been many failures in life and many victories as well. The Lord has been there through all of them. The blessings in life have all come through the Lord. They happen when we seek God and allow Him to provide the blessings. Seeking the blessings rarely makes them happen. It is in His graces that we realize His blessings. The only way that can happen is if we seek Him. It is in prayer and praise that He can be found. 

Have a great week and pray often with praise in the knowledge that He is always there. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe.

Remeber to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Thank You

 Thank You for understanding the time away. Hopefully I will be returning next week. I will not be posting the artwork every week as before. Again, Thank you. God bless and keep you safe.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lost Tomorrows

This is a thing that growing older causes us to do. To those of us that are ageing the past is still relevant and real, a safer place than the present reality. Just as our parents before us saw the days of their youth as safe and simpler we find ourselves doing the same thing, living in the past. In reality, the present is where we are and where we need to be and participate. The past is good for lessons learned and remembering mistakes made to prevent them from being repeated. There are good memories to be tucked away but today is the time to create those new memories. They do not exist in future times because the future is not the present. We create the future in the here and now. It is good to remember that our travels through the present are where our footprints are left according to what we do in the present. Our actions and even our words mold the future not only for ourselves but for those around us. No-one passes through life without affecting the world around them. Every breath we take, every word we utter, everything we do causes the world to change in some way. Is it any wonder that God spoke, and it came to be? Greater things are accomplished when Jesus is part of the present than just me alone. We cannot change what has passed, but we can move forward with positivity. 

(This will be the last post for some time. I am taking a sabbatical due to other demands in my life.) 

Today I am sharing another of the Highlander Men images. 


The Copics used are;

The pen is a Copic multiliner brown.

That's it for now. Thank you for your support and may the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Growing up

This is one of my favorite poets and mystics. He is unique and relevant, even in today's world. I have many of his books in my library. He was a large influence in my younger years. 
Two of His writings:

"Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so also the bow that is stable."

You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving." The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish. Surely, he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights is worthy of all else from you. 

This week I am sharing the image you saw in my post last week. It is finished. It took almost a week to do and consists of more colors than any image done so far, a total of 30 colors. What made it so difficult was the details were either faint or made no sense. AI is far from perfected at this point. This was definitely AI generated.  

The Copics used are:

The two pens are multiliner brown and multiliner green. The zero blender pens were used at times to correct and to lighten the colors used.
That's it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

You see, I see


1 Corinthians 2:10-16 
The view that we have of the world around us is tainted by our experiences and what our view of that world presents to us in our everyday life. People are a major influence. The reading above tells us that because we are believers we see and experience things differently than non-believers. We are seen as foolish or even crazy. Read 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 and meditate on it. It is a fact that most can agree with.
Today I am going to deviate a bit and share what my artistic corner of the house looks like. I will post another image next week.

This is the allotted space at our dining room table that Jill allows me without complaining. It is about a quarter of the table.

It does expand out somewhat from time to time but usually not for long.

This is a sneak peak at the current image I am working on. The tray I use to keep the current pens used separate from the full marker collection is on the left. A notebook used to track the colors used is on the right along with some of the Copic Multiliner pens.

The Copic suit case for the markers 

The Copic Marker suitcase also contains some of the refills, replacement brushes and other pens and helps needed to do each project. Yes, that is the full set of Copic markers (less the special brilliant markers). It took all of ten years to collect them all. The refills case sits to the left on the floor. To the right on the floor are more helps and paper. It is a bit confined and compact. It works for me and Jill. 

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Hebrews 2:4, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 & 14:1-5

There are many gifts that the Lord has given us through the Holy Spirit as named in the above verses. The key to these gifts is stated in 1 Corinthians 14:1, pursue Love. The second thing to remember is that they are gifts. Just like the gift of eternal life they are not earned, cannot be purchased or coerced from the Holy Spirit but are given according to the Grace of God. You may not even know you are using a gift at times. It is important to know that you can pray for the gifts and it is equally important to remember that it is by the grace of God that they are given. Each of us is a child of the living God. He sent His spirit to live in us and by that Spirit we shall know Him. This does not entitle us to any of the gifts. They are gifts that are given according to His grace through the Holy Spirit.

The promise of things to come with the holy spirit are still with us today. (John 14:12) There are miracles happening even today. They may not be advertised the way the news media sensationalizes the events of the day but they are happening. The blind still see, the lame walk, the deaf hear and the mute speak. Don't forget the miracle of the birth of a young child. There are even reports of people being reported as having died that upon the coroners table have come to life. You just don't hear of these things because they are not spectacular enough to draw the attention of the news media like war and mass shootings. Many miracles are personal to us. The crazy thing is we are often not even aware of them at the time. Hinde sight often reveals them to us. God is not dead. The Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives. Miracles still happen. Jesus is still coming. Until that day the promises of God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit are very much alive and well. What are your miracles? everyone has them. 

This week I am sharing another Moontear image. There are only a few of them left (5) and I have not had much time to do the Highlander images of late. 


The Copic used colors are:

The pen in the lower left is a gold Marvy pen.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless you and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



The friends who will answer the phone at this time of the morning or earlier are true friends indeed. They are a treasure to be kept close to one's heart. When they are gone it is a heavy loss that may never be replaced. This hit home for me since those that I could call anytime of the day or night and know it would not be a problem are gone. They are home with the Lord now and we are still here awaiting the call to come home.
This week is a special image from the Irishman coloring book. This is my favorite by far to this point. It took the better part of three days to do. I printed the image on photo paper and was pleased to see it really does look like a photo of a real person.

The Copic colors used are;

The four pens are all Multi Red, Blue, Black and Cool Gray. I did some research on this image because I knew the attire was formal. I did the best I could to make sure it was as accurate as I could make it.
That is it for the week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Failure ©

                                           What is failure as defined by man?

                                                Is it omission, inability, lack or deficiency   

                                                Of a vital or not so vital function?

                                                Who is guilty of failure if not all?

                                                Who can judge if all are alike?

                                                Dare I judge myself or another when

                                                I have failed by sin or lack of talent?

                                                Where is the failure if the lesson it

                                                Teaches is one of positive results?

                                                Why can't failure be constructive

                                                Instead of destructive in nature?

                                                If all things were created for good

                                                Then failure is victory in disguise.

                                                If this is true, then what we call failure       

                                                Is not failure but the teaching of wisdom.

©This is copyrighted material from my book that never was.

Christ died for us even though we live in sin. We are in a world that is rife with sin. We are unable to win our way into heaven sinless. We are doomed to fail on a regular basis in this world. Try as we may, we will not become sinless. That said, it is not a green light to go ahead and commit sin after sin until we die. It isn't a free pass to do whatever we like thinking we are forgiven no matter what we do. It's not a get out of jail card making you free to commit crimes against others. Failure is the means by which we are taught humility and courage. It is the means by which we learn that we are all vulnerable. It is the means by which we learn that we are all very much alike in many ways. It is the means by which we are tested and guided in what is good for us and bad for us. Failure is many things. It is never the end of the line unless it is where you give up and stop trying. 



     Reflections on God are important for personal growth but

should be to the good of all mankind. A truth about a

reflection on God has no worth if the beneficiary is strictly

ones own self. The true test of its value is in its ability to

touch and bring light and peace into a dark corner of the life

of others. Truly, it is then a reflection of God who is a

solid foundation of life. 

© From my book that never was.



This week I am sharing another image from the Highland Dreams coloring book. 

The Copics used are;

That will be it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The foe


Just about everyone knows that Satan was the master in charge of sheol (hell). Did you know that he was not the most powerful of God's foes? He controlled what happens to the dead. The supernatural beings that were assigned to the disinherited humanity when God created the nations after Babylon were of the council of God and were greater than Satan. When we consider who we should remember as foes they are paramount. They are still alive and well. They are still in rebellion of God. The quote above is a reminder that not only does the sunbeam dispel the shadows but it also reveals shadows. In the light of Jesus Christ no shadows exist except those of God's opposition. They are the rulers, authorities, powers and lords that were and are still opposing God.  The light of Christ reveals what hides in the invisible shadows and it is not always Satan or demons. Christ knew the hearts of men (the Shadows) and the truth and the lies that dwell within. He drove out the darkness from the shadows and brought true shadow free light into those hiding places. True healing and freedom is the result. 
This week I am sharing an image completed several months ago from Dreams Coloring Art. I thought it might make you long for the cooler weather.

The Copic colors used are:

Next week I will return to the Men and women of the Irish/Scottish series. For now, may the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details." 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The beat goes on.

{How True!!!! This post is being created on my old computer, which I kept as a backup to use when things go haywire on the new computer. I had built my computers in the past, component by component. The last three computers were all purchased from large companies and all three were a major disappointment for me. They seem to have the idea that EVERYONE loves their bloatware (their fix everything software). All that software does is eventually mess up your system causing you to need their techs to fix their mess and to keep you buying there service contracts. That is the mess I find myself in on the computer I use for everything, including writing this blog. Thank goodness for my old computer. It is my creation with no bloatware and only useful programs to do what needs to be done.} 

2 Corinthians 4:7-15

4:7 But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that the extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. 4:8 We are experiencing trouble on every side, but are not crushed; we are perplexed, but not driven to despair; 4:9 we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed, 4:10 always carrying around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our body. 4:11 For we who are alive are constantly being handed over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our mortal body. 4:12 As a result, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. 4:13 But since we have the same spirit of faith as that shown in what has been written, “I believed; therefore I spoke,” we also believe, therefore we also speak. 4:14 We do so because we know that the one who raised up Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus and will bring us with you into his presence. 4:15 For all these things are for your sake, so that the grace that is including more and more people may cause thanksgiving to increase to the glory of God. 4:16 Therefore we do not despair, but even if our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is being renewed day by day. 4:17 For our momentary, light suffering is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison 4:18 because we are not looking at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.

Biblical Studies Press, The NET Bible First Edition; Bible. English. NET Bible.; The NET Bible (Biblical Studies Press, 2005), 2 Co 4:7–18.

The quote today certainly fits what most of us experience in our day to day existence. It is good to remember that what we go through isn't for no reason. The bible quote tells us that how we handle our situations is important for the end result, what we can't see. Just because we can't see something does not mean it does not exist. The unseen world is where we are going to be when this world ends for us. This world is a stopover, a way station, a classroom. The bits and pieces shared in this blog are not the whole or the end of the story. Each of you are the ongoing story. Read the shared verses above again and let them speak to you. They are the answer to the Brainy Quote above.

Today I am sharing a Scottish Highland Men image. It is one that I am sure the ladies will like.

The Copics used are;

The pen in the upper right corner is a Copic multiliner 0.05 black. 

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Less is More

 Notice: I have been getting sales pitches and related correspondence on this blog in my comments. This will not be tolerated. I have opened this blog to the public to give more people the chance to comment on my blog. If this continues I will not only delete you, I will also block your site. If you practice these tactics on social media (Facebook, TicToc etc) go to them and advertise not here. Thank you.

In most cases this statement is correct. The problem with this statement is the fact that it is why the world is in the state that it is. All too often the need for more and more also breeds greed. It would be of benefit to live with less when you can afford more and donate what is left to those who are in need. Having more is not a bad thing but it is a privilege that can easily be abused and seen as making someone better than the less privileged. This is why Jesus said of the rich man "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) There are those who have worked hard for the possession and wealth and those who are born into it. Most who have come up from places of poverty know the hardship of not having and of not only want but need. I know what it is like to have one can of soup on the shelf to feed a wife and baby with no job or income. It is not a happy place. I can look around now and say "The Lord has been kind to us and provided what was needed." I worked hard to get here. It is enough and not extravagant in any way. I don't know what it is like to be able to get whatever I want whenever I want it. If I had great wealth I would be inclined use most of it to provide for those truly in need. That is not to say I would not make sure I and my wife would be taken care of in our remaining years but what good is wealth that will remain in this world when we depart for the next. To me more is only measured against the less of others. Extravagance is not a good place to be when others are in need. Be careful to measure wealth against the need versus want. It is ok to want but not to excess.
Once again this week I am sharing an image from Moontear. 

The Copic colors used are;

The pen at the top is a Copic multiliner brown. That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


It is sometimes a trying time when you follow the quote of the day from Henry Ward Beecher. Im have recently found myself tested and pressed in ways that make one tired both physically and mentally. I will not get into the reasons but I will say that anyone who has gone through such trials and feels exhausted from lack of sleep and stress knows just how tired you can get. There are a myriad of little things going wrong or happening that should not happen that add up to a lot of stress. Add to that the world around us seems determined to self destruct. The saving grace that carries me through such times is knowing I am not alone. Our Lord is always at our side and leads the way. Psalm 23 is ever present in mind and body. That's right mind and BODY. When it seems the body is fatigued and wants to stop new strength is found and you move forward despite the fatigue. I thought about skipping the post this week but decided to make an effort and at least post something to give others hope and encouragement. I don't know about you but I am not one to give up and admit defeat under such circumstances.

This week I am posting another of the images from Moontear. I will resume posting a few of these images in the next week or two.

The Copic colors used are;

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


What do you think of with this quote? Does one thing or multiple things come to mind? Are they scriptural or worldly? I suspect the answer is both. There are many veils in life that are beautiful, mysterious and scary. A bridal veil is both beautiful and scary deprending on whom you ask. The veil of clouds covering a tornado is without question scary. The veil of secrecy is mysterious and a bit scary. Veiled treats are scary. These are all worldly veils. What about scriptural veils? Veils in scripture are usually veils that cover the face of some individual. They are primarily for women who veil their faces but Moses also veiled his face when he came down off the mountain after being in the presence of God. His face shown brightly and was a fearful sight to the Israelites. (Exodus 34:34-35) The veil over those who do not acknowledge or continue in their sinfuol way was another kind of veil. (2 Corinthians 3:14-16) The veil was lifted when turned to follow Jesus. (Corinthians 4:3) There is one very impoortant veil in scripture, the veil over the holy of holies in the temple. It was this veil which was torn from ceiling to floor when Christ died on the cross. (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45) This was to signify that God was now available to the people directly. There are many other mentions of veils in scripture, enough to fill several posts. The bible is an interesting and informative read. Get your feet wet and start a reading regimin. There is much to learn and be inspired by in the pages of scripture. 
The Irish highlander men coloring book is definitly a challenging coloring experience. I am going to skip to the image completed this week to highlight that statement. This was a major challenge but one of my favorite images. The process of aging in this world leaves its mark on our personages. This is one of two images that illustates that to a tee. If it weren't for the great art work and attention to the details by the artist this would not be near as captivating as it is. Here is my salute to aging with dignity. You can see in this face a  life lived. Enjoy!

Tyhe Copic colors used are:

The pen on the right is a Copic Multiliner 0.03mm Cool Grey pen. This pen was used to highlight the hair and beard to make them stand out more. Some of the hair was faint and needed to be given depth to be noticed.

My wife had two of our close friends visiting while I was coloring the face of this image. They were there for several hours and got to see just how long it takes to do an image. It was nice to have someone see the coloring process.

That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Narrow Gate


(Matthew 7:12-14) There are many who try to find the path that leads to salvation. It is not an easy path to follow or to remain on when it is found. It is described as the wide gate in the gospel of Matthew. The reason it is wide is because those that travel the easy road do so still carrying the baggage of the old life with them, their old ways and habits. We are told we cannot enter heaven through the wide gate but must enter through the narrow gate. The narrow gate is impossible to go through with all of the extra baggage. For most it is an impossibility to shed the old ways and habits. Why? In order to shed most things they must first learn to learn to love others as ones self and to treat others as they would like them to treat them. The gospel of Matthew says it is the narrow and hard way. If it were easy it would not require us to shed this world to follow the Lord. If it were easy we would not have to become mirrors of the Lord. If it were easy there would be no need for the Lord to have sacrificed Himself on the cross for our salvation. Be thankful most will not have to go that road. He took the hardest part from us to lessen the burden of the narrow gate but we must shed the baggage we carry to pass through it. The narrow gate is the stripped down, burden free, faithful belief that Christ is our savior and that since He loved us, even though we were sinners, we should do the same with others. It is not enough to go through life studying the word and not following it. It is not an easy road we are asked to follow. It is a hard road through a narrow gate that leads to the promised land. It is worth the effort.
This image was a challenge. It required more colors than the female images as you can see. I'm not completely satisfied with it but it is done satisfactorily. 
The Copic colors used are:
The background was done with the Copics Spray tool. I didn't mask the edges beforehand and had a mess to clean up. I chose not to show it but it did come mostly clean using the 0 coloring blender pen (top row). It still shows faint color but barely visible.
That is it for this week. May the good Lord bless you and keep you safe. Remember to "Always Love The Details."