

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5, 2014

The poet seeks solitude so that he might hear the voice of life around him

Quote of the day:
"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933); US writer.

        I would like to continue with some of the art work from that has not been used for cards as of yet. That part is mostly the domain of my better half. There are many other places that are frequented but for now I am still doing images from Imagine and do.

        When using marker pens it is important to note that the colors are not uniform from one manufacturer's card stock to another. The colors actually change slightly. Some papers also cause the colors to bleed more than others. Be sure to test the paper before committing to using the chosen coloring medium.

        The image at right is among the first done from imagine and do. Copic Sketch marker pens are the only ones I use to color with. At times I will mix in water colors, colored pencil or water proof pen and ink as needed for effect. 

R00, R000, R0000, BG53, Y30, Y18, RV00, G82, B00, RV02, W19

        This image is the second "20's Beauty" in the Vintage collection. The images all lend themselves to your imagination when coloring. Personally, I am a realist type. This image just screamed roaring 20's. It is a real challenge to do the human form and get the color correct. Anatomy and shadow play are the complicating factor that makes it even more challenging and FUN.

        The next image is from the same Vintage collection. I had always wondered what it would be like to color a nude. Although this image is relatively simple it is a nude. YAY! I get to try a nude. 

R00, R000, R0000, RV0000, R85, YR30, BG0000

        Yeah I know a bit on the amateurish side but hey, that is what I am. I do this for fun. This was fun. The colors darkened down from the scanner. It is one of the first images done and I am still working on getting some sort of calibration set up between the computer, scanner, monitor and printer to make the color on any of the units look exactly the same. Neat, huh? O.K. A lot of work. But still fun.

        The next image is from the Floral pack (The second package offered). Children are always fun to do. I LOVE doing children as well. Usually, children present a different kind of challenge in that they are not limited to adult likes and dislikes when it comes to color. 

R00, R000, R0000, RV0000, E11, R02, E34, E41, E21, E30, Y18, E19, YG09, YG13

This particular image was one of the trial images for color shading on this paper. The shading is not perfect but it did provide some clues as to how the marker pens react with the paper and blend with other colors. This really began to make a difference when the images on the previous post were done. (The images on the previous post were from the Floral pack as well) 

        There are other types of images on the packs that come out. As a sample The final image is an image from the Vintage pack. Even the Accessory images are great. It is hoped that some encouragement comes from seeing what is possible with art and imagination. Enjoy.

R00, R000, R0000, RV0000, Y28, BG00

As I have said in the previous post, Eyes are my thing. This Monocled eye is simple but it could be used in many applications. Neat isn't it? The possibilities are endless. 


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