

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 31, 2014 Friendship

A gift and blessing that is true friendship.

Quote for Today:  I could find no quote for today so, I would like to share once again from my book of inspiration.

         Once, while two very close friends were sharing one another's thoughts, a deep quiet came over them. While the one sat gazing off in deep thought the other contemplated his companion. Long moments passed before they met one another's gaze. The friend who had been in deep thought said, "Why do you smile and look at me that way? What are your thoughts?" To this inquiry he answered, "I am not entertaining thoughts but observing. I gaze upon your face my friend, spellbound at the soft radiance dancing joyously about you. As you turned to me your eyes seemed deep, sparkling and clear as spring water that bubbles up from deep within the good earth. The warmth I feel is neither spoken nor gestured but breathed with every breath and welds itself with every glance of your life filled eyes to the heart of my being. Eternal life has seeded itself in you and has begun to grow toward its bounteous fullness. The glory of that life cannot be hidden nor spoken of as life but seen, known and felt by being fully your friend." At this they both were silent for it was then that both knew their thoughts were one in the same. No further words were possible or needed. Their friendship was fully shared.
 copyrighted by me
How precious the friend that feels what you feel. Precious is the friend that gives a shoulder during a time of need. Precious is the friend that is there despite their own need to give of themselves because you are in need. Cherish them. They are more precious than anything. So it is with our Lord who gave himself that we may live. It is a love we neither earned nor deserve. He is a precious friend indeed.

I am not sure I know how to proceed from here. How about a few angels? These stamps are from Stamps Happen (Owned by Janlynn). We will start with the easiest of the ones I have and proceed from there.

Copic Colors:  B39, B97, E01, R27, R89, Y28, R02

This is one of the very first images done with the Copic Markers. Very limited number of markers at that time. Still learning anew the techniques to coloring. The next image is a bit more complicated but still very limited to colors available.

Copic Colors:  C2, Y11, Y28, BG18, Y02, E000, E43

I also did this angel in different shades but did not mark down the colors. part of the coloring was in colored pencil.

That went well. Love angel images. As you will see I got a few more markers and decided to take on something a little harder. For someone still learning the ins and outs of INK markers this was a challenge.

This and the next image do not have the copic marker colors with them. Remember this was early on and Jill and I were both learning what was expected for posting images and cards and......well you get the idea. This image was done several times before I was satified. The next one was no different....well yes it was. 

No copic colors with this one either. This one drove me crazy and convinced Jill that there were a few boards and a bell missing from the belfry. Until this was done I wasn't so sure she wasn't correct. This was some undertaking for a newbee. Detail, detail, detail. Lots of it. I'm still a bit cross eyed from this one. 

Hope enjoyed a look at the beginning of the journey. There is a lot more to come. Not sure if I will post Saturday or Sunday. If not I will see you Monday. Blessing on all of you. Just LOVE THE DETAIL...I think.


  1. As Jill said, beautifully written. It's very special to have TRUE friends and, yes, HE is our greatest friend. The angels are gorgeous. I especially love the last two with all the wonderful detail. There is a lot of wonderful coloring that went into these.
    For sure, there are a multitude of Copic colors to purchase now...wish I could keep up.

  2. Beautiful colouring, especially the last two as Benzi said ... The colours are wonderful!
    Inspirational words, and oh to know The Saviour as a Friend makes life Amazingly wonderful.
    Hugs Mau xx
    Have a super weekend xx

  3. Very well written and so true!
    Your angels......WOW! They're all just beautiful - and as you already know, that last one is over the top, slap dab GORGEOUS!!! Wish I had just a smidgen of your coloring skills.

  4. Love your friend comments - so true! Rare to find a friend like this though. Your coloring on these beautiful images is wonderful! You have talent for sure! Hugz!

  5. Love angel stamps too and have all but one of these. You surely have done them justice. Your share from your book is lovely!..............and really what friendship is like!

  6. Hi, Thank you for your sweet and kind comments at my blog. They made me so happy. Especially the one on my little indian girl! I love that image and how the card turned out. I am sending it to a friend who is going through a rough spot so I hope it make her happy to,.. Great words about friendship here too


  7. Hi, I meant to zip over here when I joined Jill's blog the other day but didn't make it. Saw your comment over at Lynn's & reminded me to do so. What a treat to enjoy these beautiful angels, which I shall be checking out because Angels are in my list of loves too. I'm awed by your skill at coloring, if these are your first attempts with limited markers. You did some wonderful shading - which is difficult for me. I can assure you, my 1st copic attempts did not look this good! I enjoyed seeing each of the different attempts appear on the monitor, and you did a fantastic effort on each one!! Love these stamps. I don't track the colors I use either, because I just start with an idea of how I want the image to look, lay down colors until I get something that pleases _my_ eye. I can usually say which color group I chose, but seldom the specific colors. If I were teaching the art, guess I'd keep better track, but I do this for my enjoyment, which I hope will please someone else as well. So don't worry about saying your colors...just enjoy what you're doing. Looks as though you did with these beautiful angels. Enjoy your new hobby. Maybe you can give cooking lessons too! I see you are a proficient cook. (I'm not!) Will be joining as a new follower, and hope you'll find time to visit my way too. What fun that you & Jill can be learning coloring & blogging as a team! TFS

  8. Stunning - you have real talent if these are early attempts!!
    Love your thoughts that started this post.


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