

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014 New Vista's

The road less traveled sometimes ends in the most amazing vistas.

Quote For Today:  "What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well"
Antoine de Saint-Exubery (1900-1944) French Writer

I like that quote. It follows what this blog is about. Expect the unexpected. You would think that with the number of card makers out there you would see the same old same old. Not so is it? Even the images we all use whether colorfully printed or lovingly colored are diverse. How often have you seen the image, card, scrapbook page or any other craft item for that matter done exactly the same? Everyone puts that personal touch to it. It is why this and other blogs are important. To share. I do talk too much don't I. The wife told me I'm wordy. She also said I'm deep. Not sure what that means but I guess it's true....   I think. Makes it sound like I stepped in something. 'Nuf said.

Lets start off with something simple. It is one of Jill's favorites. Simple? Yes and No! The image was simple enough but the coloring was a bit more of a challenge. This was a line drawing which means very few highlights. As usual, No Copic colors and no scanned image before the card was made. What do you expect from a rank amateur? What do you, think I was born yesterday. No, wait! I was born yesterday, a LOT of yesterdays.

The image is from Squiggle Fly 

Now that I have disappointed you and some of you have departed the blog I am going to show you a few images from Imagine and Do. These are always excellent images. As stated before these are mailed as images. Copying of any kind is prohibited. This is a scrapbook oriented site. I don't care. The images are great. The ones here today are from the Tea Party set. LOVE it. Wouldn't even think of leaving it.(Groan) Here is Alice. Tea Party.... Alice.... Wonderland? Never mind! Here is Alice.

Copic Colors:  YG07, E35, E34, E31, R20, R02, R00, R000, R0000

Those eyes are  what drew me in. The artist has a way with the eyes. They can stop you in your tracks. Of the two faces included in the package this one in brunette is my personal fav. I'm in love. 

Next is one of the other images from the same bundle. The other main character that got Alice into trouble was none other than the Rabbit. I think I understand why she followed him down the hole. Cute little fella.

Copic Colors:  Y13, Y21, Y26, E27, E15, E11, E50, C0, E13, RV00

Cuddly little isn't he. Watch it though, he bites. Now we switch gears a bit. 

I left the last post with a hint of one more Extraordinary, little cutie that can walk away with your heart and take your breath with it. May I introduce you to Lizzie. The people at Sugar Nellie have a beauty in this one

Copic Colors:  C00, C0, B0000, B00, R20, RV0000, E31, R85, E000, E0000

Simply Adorable is an understatement, and that is an understatement of the understatement. Completely off the charts. Beautiful art work. Just hope I did her justice. Jill is hesitant to do a card with this one. Says she is afraid to mess it up. I trust her. I can do it again. 

If you visit their site make sure it the one above. It is in the British Isles. They do have a site here in the states but these will need to be ordered from Britain. This is the Funky Kits, U.S. link. Many of the stamps are actually shipped from Scotland. 

That's it for this post. If the Bugger.... UH .... Blogger Devils.... Uh..... Gods allow us to survive long enough we will return. Will see you in comments, Blogger permitting. I Love The Details when permitted.


  1. WOW -stunningly beautifully coloured images!

  2. Actually all of the images you painted are beautiful!! Enough to be framed!! You are doing either or aren't you? LOL ;-) They are so pretty though that they need to be somewhere people can see them.

  3. Hope that Blogger/Bugger starts treating you better soon!
    All are just beautiful - and that last image of the Sugar Nellie one is slap dab stunning!!!!!!!!!! WOW!

  4. You brought these incredible images to life with your coloring! They're so beautiful!!

  5. Jill's card and your coloring is great. I do love the coloring on the other images, too. Glad you're listing the Copic colors. I may need to come back for referencing.

  6. When you miss a few days, there is a wonderful vista of beautiful images to catch up on! Well done, Jim!! Magnificent! And I agree with you, Jill is to be trusted. She makes the most beautiful cards to properly showcase your works of art!! Hugs, Darnell


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